Calling All Angels – Team Universe Needs You!

My dear friend,

Have you ever thought you are a special person? Yes of course we are all special, but I mean this in an unusual way. If you are special in the way I’m talking about, I need your help with a Planetary Healing effort.  May I give you the background info first, so the request itself makes more sense? Background:

Do you have a mission statement for your life? I highly recommend it. As an example, here’s mine:

Lynn McGonagill’s Personal Mission Statement

My intention: to follow the instructions from my Guides to the fullest.

Their instructions: to bring as many people to mastery in the Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM) as possible.

The larger goal: to bring the Divine Plan to manifested reality on Earth by 1/17/17, by reaching critical mass in the numbers of souls living their individual life plans.

That’s all!

Manifesting the Divine Plan on Earth by 1/17/17 is a big job, right? It’s hard to know where to begin to eat that elephant. Luckily, in LHM we don’t have to decide a single thing. All we do is put our intuitive channels UP to our Guides, and ask, “What next?” In this overall assignment of manifesting the Divine Plan, I receive sub-assignments from the Guides, with short-term deadlines. As soon as one goal is met or the deadline passes, the next goal and deadline come in. Periodically the instruction comes: “Ask others to help you!” Who do I ask? Team Universe.

Team Universe is a group of committed individuals who respond to these calls to action. Since not everyone on the list already knows the Lightworkers Healing Method, some use other healing methods and that’s perfectly fine. All these wonderful people join in the efforts from their own homes, on their own schedule. From their feedback, they find it deeply rewarding and a true source of joy in their lives.

Are you willing to help, as many times as you wish, between now and 10:45 am EDT, Sunday June 2? No pressure whatsoever. This is my commitment. I am not trying to imply it should be yours. If you are not called to help, that’s fine – I love you anyway. But if so, please read the forwarded email that just went out to Team Universe, below.

Light for your path – Lynn McGonagill 

Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method 


Greetings, dear friends of Team Universe!  Much love to all of you this beautiful day. The jasmine and gardenias are in bloom, the air is soft and sweet, and baby birds are fluttering from branch to branch. Yay Spring! Yay Earth! Thank you so much for your beautiful teamwork so far on this Divine project of manifesting the Divine Plan on our beautiful blue planet. Bit by bit, we are eating this elephant.

Once again in my Planetary Healing work, the assignment has come ask for help. In this case, the deadline is Sunday 6/2/13 at 10:45 am EDT. The goal is a lofty one. It is to Awaken the Angels.  Let me explain by pasting in a section from the upcoming Level Four class booklet.



Angels are always from the Higher Dimensions. They don’t typically incarnate, but they can project their energy to let us think they do. They can be those people who help us when we desperately need it and then disappear; when we turn around for a second look they are gone. They can also step into a person temporarily to help get him/her through a crisis. Stories of moms lifting cars off their children are examples of what could be acts of Angels stepping in.

I used to think Angels never occupied human bodies for long periods of time, but I now know that happens. The phenomenon of the walk-in is real, and some of those walk-ins are Angels.  Once I began looking, I have seen thousands of Angels who have walked into human bodies. While most embodied Angels are walk-ins, I now know this is not always true. I have also found an Angel who was born in a protective bubble inside a human baby, ready to awaken when the time was right.

Some embodied Angels remember who they are, and some don’t. When Angels are awake to their identity, they can be truly powerful servants of the Divine.  Since society doesn’t react well to people walking around claiming to be Angels – those people can end up in the psych wards – most awakened Angels keep it quiet.

Those who don’t remember they are Angels can feel they are supposed to DO SOMETHING but don’t recall what it is. Their soul purpose tugs at them, but the cellular memory of the body is also strong. The body has its own memories of the previous non-Angelic soul, along with all the past life and future life experiences of that previous soul.  What’s more, there are people around that continually want to relate to the previous identity or previous soul of the body – so there is pressure both from within and without to forget. As a result, embodied Angels can forget; they can “drown” in the body. …


Who can awaken an Angel most effectively? Other Angels. My friend, you are receiving this call to action because certain signals indicate you may be one. The clearest indicator is whether or not you have wings.  See if you can feel me pushing on the crest of your wings, right now as you read this email. If you cough, feel pressure in your back or crown, or have some other response, you can take it as your working theory that you are an embodied Angel.  There are other signs too, and we can talk about those later on.

What does this mean? First, it means you are here to make a big difference in this world. Second, that now is the time for you to awaken, and then to turn around and call for the Angels who are still sleeping to also awaken. Now is the time for the entire embodied Angelic community to Awaken. Once that is accomplished, the rest of the Awakening on Earth will fall into place.   

It’s normal to have a lot of questions at this point, and those of us who are already aware are here to support you through this process. We have Angelic gatherings, to support each other in our awareness and in fulfilling our life missions. In this way we enlist the power of community to fulfill our own individual soul purposes. Please let me know if you wish to be included in those gatherings. It will be an honor to have you with us.

For now, my friend, will you join us in this call to action? Will you call for all embodied Angels to awaken, to remember who they are, right now? We are so close. Now is the time. We can do it, my friends. By June 2 at 10:45 Eastern, all the embodied Angels can awaken.

Teamwork makes the dream work – both here in the 3D world, and in the multi-dimensional effort we are blessed to participate in. On to an overall, full  manifestation of the Divine Plan on Earth by 1/17/17. So be it, so be it, so be it. Thank you dear friends – and Happy Awakening!


Much love, much light for your path – Lynn

Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method 

Author of The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be

As taught at Kripalu and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and heard on Wall Street Journal Radio



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28 Responses to Calling All Angels – Team Universe Needs You!

  1. Marion Billington says:

    I am willing to help with this as best I can, but I don’t have a website.

    • How wonderful you are willing to put your shoulder to the wheel, dear Marion! There is absolutely no need for a website. We are doing this with energy work, not with technology. Many of us use the system of Angelically Guided Energy Healing called the Lightworkers Healing Method. but others use other healing modalities. You can watch the videos on to get an idea of how this might work. Intention is key, and asking for Divine support is essential. Remembering the power of affirmative prayer, we can all ask for Divine support for all embodied Angels to awaken.
      light for your path – Lynn

      • Greetings dear friends who have said, “YES I will help!”
        To answer the question, “Is it possible to awaken all Angels by June 2?” we must remember that the Lightworkers Method is Divine energy healing. We simply do our best and some element of the Divine supplies the rest. Definitely it is not only possible but we will do it. For sure. All it takes is doing our best and then asking for our work to be made right.

        The basic procedure:
        Set the intention to help all Angels awaken to the next level, right now. As a member of the Angelic community, we have both the right and the responsibility to do so.
        Do a proper OP (Opening Process).
        Channels UP, follow the instructions from your Guides.
        Ask for your work to be made Divinely perfect.
        Do a proper CP (Closing Process).

        Work at whatever level you are at. Remember, even with Level One miracles happen. What matters most is that you merge with the Angelic community (believe me that is a deep blessing to us), channels UP, strong upward flow, and do your very very best. Even if you haven’t had a single one of the Lightworkers Healing MEthod classes, with your intention to serve Spirit by helping other Angels to awaken, you can do a lot.

        I’ll paste in an example of one of my recent Awaken the Angels sessions below my signature line. If you want to connect into the energy of it and help that way, feel free. Also feel free to simply follow what comes directly from your own Guides, with the intention to Awaken the Angels.

        Much love dear friends!

        Light for your path – Lynn McGonagill
        Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method
        Author of The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be
        As taught at Kripalu and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and heard on Wall Street Journal Radio

        “Why Do Bad Things Happen”
        “Where’s God In All Of This”

        Intention: Awaken All Angels in the Universe

        Opening Process – a process of creating sacred space and opening up to the Guides

        Once again I merge with the entire Angelic community. As a member of that community it is not only my right but also my responsibility to tend the energy of this group. Of course all other Angels share both the right and the responsibility for the energy of our community. It is shared personal individual responsibility, like the Bonus Soul Plan Challenge. Clearing the fears the typos I just corrected represent; snapping fingers to trigger the necessary brain rewiring, asking for Magnetic Services to complete the process.

        Now realizing these typos represent the fears and rewiring for the entire Angelic community. Doing this for all of us, for the entire Angelic community throughout this particular Free Will Universe. Big coughs. Big load of fuzz lifts off. Big coughs. This explains why these typos have been so persistent this past week; I had my focus too narrow, believing it was coming from “my” fear and brain, when it is the fears and brains of all of us.

        Now asking for Angelic assistance to heal all of us. Not much happened on that one and I do understand why, but I was testing protocol. Asking the Big Guy to heal all of us, and now the coughs and yawns come. Once more asking the Big Guy to heal the entire Angelic community of whatever the typos represent. Asking him to heal the entire Angelic community of the tiny minute microscopic fears, the level of fears with which we are working. Asking him to heal the entire Angelic community of our twisted thinking, and THIS is more to the point. Lots of wiring changing here.

        You see, our old elitist Angelic attitudes are no longer helpful. They worked for a long time but that time is over. I am certainly as guilty of this as anyone. I definitely didn’t want to get my lily-white hands dirty by embodying. Now I “get it” and am learning a thousand times more from this experience than I’ve learned from anything else, perhaps ever. What an amazing gift this has been to my personal growth as an Angel. I am deeply, truly grateful.

        Now the triage-floor comes into view, the large space with all the embodied Angels. Many more are awake but are definitely still in need of care. I hear moaning, I see IV drips. It’s a scene of suffering. “Why did I do this?”

        Oh. I know these people, or at least I know enough of them to understand the pattern. Many embodied Angels are suffering deeply. Right now for all of us, I am drawing out the traumas of being embodied at whatever level we experienced them. Big coughs and burps. For me, burps represent the release of that which was suppressed as being unacceptable. Definitely a lot of that here, since none of us have been able to speak of this without being categorized as mentally ill. Repeating several times. Soul fragments are walking in all strong and are spontaneously healing themselves. It’s great to work with Angels as clients :).

        More burps. There are a lot of unspoken truths that must be spoken. The embodied Angels are for the most part afraid to speak the truths because they feel their marriages will fall apart, their business partners may leave them, and their lives will completely upend. Because the embodied Angels have forgotten so much with their conscious minds, they forget this transition will be a deeply freeing blessing. They forget that what comes after the changes are infinitely better than what they currently have.

        After the shift, they will truly be free to step into their destinies. They will breathe more fully than they have breathed in this entire lifetime. They will know how it is to live as I do, which is to live with so much joy that my joy-cup is continually overflowing. However, right now they feel stuck. They are suffering.

        I can totally relate to this. Every time I speak the truth about it, people run away screaming. Even embodied Angels have run away screaming. However! We must tell the truth. Nothing else will get us over this hump. There isn’t any other way out of this trap except to move forward. No way out except to tell the full truth with as much love as possible. We meet the test when we speak the truth with as much love as possible. However the other person reacts is entirely up to him/her. S/he is then the one being tested, not us. Our test is whether or not we speak. We give 100% effort, with zero attachment to results. What will be, will be.

        Continuing to release, a deep sense of peace is settling over the triage floor. No more flailing, no more moaning. Angels are sleeping again, but it’s a restful, restorative sleep. They aren’t in a coma. They have moved up a huge rung. They have begun to heal. The Angelic nurses say, “The crisis has passed.” It’s like when the fever breaks – the patient now sleeps calmly.

        Now we call in the Medics, the Lightbeings to tend the physical bodies. Nothing much happens there, but I wanted to be thorough. I try to call other Lightbeings but it seems that just doesn’t really work right now. This may be for us, the Angels, to do.

        Good idea. Again all of us who are awake join into the Song of Awakening. We begin it softly so as to not startle the sleepers, but it swells like a tide of love until the air is so thick with the vibrations of awakening that it presses on my chest. Now some of the sleepers actually stand up. They are strong enough to stand and hobble over to the chairs that are against the walls. They join us in the Song. We who are stronger and more awake are circling the room, walking the vortex, singing. Well more than 80% of us are awake now.

        This Song of Awakening is also a Song of Healing. I watch the bodies of all of us becoming stronger. Whether lying in a bed sleeping, lying in a bed eyes open, sitting in the chairs around the edges of the room, or walking – we are all becoming stronger, more fit. More sleepers sit up and walk over to the chairs, joining into the song. More and more IV’s are gone. I don’t see any in use now, actually.

        The huge tribal drums begin. It’s happening at a shamanic rhythm, the recall drumming pace. Many sleepers jolt as if an electric shock just ran through them and almost levitate. This song-followed-by-recall-drums has apparently triggered a vast kundalini awakening. Like a bloom of health, the vibrations raise. Lots of happy talking. Chatter fills the air. Hugs all around.

        I ask the spotlights to find anyone still sleeping, and there are a few beams. Uh-oh. Someone in the far left corner is in trouble. Calling right now for Divine assistance. Big lifting feeling and that person is healed by the Big Guy. He stands up and walks. 13,333 words to this point of this document. Wow great signal.

        Asking to be shown anyone else still sleeping and I see a baby Angel, mouth moving in his dreams. This may be the barometer, the Courageous One who volunteered to be the last one out. It feels fine that he is sleeping so peacefully. We can let him sleep as we get everyone else up and going. When they are all well, he will awaken. So Be It.

        Errors and omissions corrected, brought to perfect frequency, alignment, pitch, balance, vibration, a full state of empowerment, and in harmony with the All-That-Is. Separating, setting, grounding, stabilizing, sacred seal, we are complete. I am truly blessed.

  2. Laura Koss says:

    What can I do to help! Very excited to be part of something so wonderful

    • Dear Laura, how fabulous to have you join us! Just now I replied to you, but posted it incorrectly. Would you be willing to come back to our blog and scroll down for the comment I replied to myself with, smiles?
      much love and light for your path – Lynn

    • My dear friend, because you are responding, I know you are a very special person. First, I will simply send you what many of my students have used as a starting point for this particular assignment from Spirit. It’s possible this will be either TMI or not enough information, and for that I apologize.

      Second, I am truly charged with the assignment of finding and awakening all embodied Angels. Is it possible you are one? If it’s possible, here is my personal email: Write me. Tell me about yourself. We will figure out the truth. Now, my friend, here goes with the copy-and-paste!

      Greetings dear friends who have said, “YES I will help!”
      To answer the question, “Is it possible to awaken all Angels by June 2?” we must remember that the Lightworkers Method is Divine energy healing. We simply do our best and some element of the Divine supplies the rest. Definitely it is not only possible but we will do it. For sure. All it takes is doing our best and then asking for our work to be made right.

      The basic procedure:
      Set the intention to help all Angels awaken to the next level, right now. As a member of the Angelic community, we have both the right and the responsibility to do so.
      Do a proper OP (Opening Process of creating sacred space).
      Channels UP, follow the instructions from your Guides.
      Ask for your work to be made Divinely perfect.
      Do a proper CP (Closing Process of placing a sacred seal on the work).

      Work at whatever level you are at. Remember, even with Level One miracles happen. What matters most is that you merge with the Angelic community (believe me that is a deep blessing to us), channels UP, strong upward flow, and do your very very best.

      I’ll paste in an example of one of my recent Awaken the Angels sessions below my signature line. If you want to connect into the energy of it and help that way, feel free. Also feel free to simply follow what comes directly from your own Guides, with the intention to Awaken the Angels.

      Much love dear friends!

      Now, the sample Awaken the Angels session:
      Intention: Awaken All Angels in the Universe

      OP (Opening Process)
      Once again I merge with the entire Angelic community. As a member of that community it is not only my right but also my responsibility to tend the energy of this group. Of course all other Angels share both the right and the responsibility for the energy of our community. It is shared personal individual responsibility, like the Bonus Soul Plan Challenge. Clearing the fears the typos I just corrected represent; snapping fingers to trigger the necessary brain rewiring, asking for Magnetic Services to complete the process.

      Now realizing these typos represent the fears and rewiring for the entire Angelic community. Doing this for all of us, for the entire Angelic community throughout this particular Free Will Universe. Big coughs. Big load of fuzz lifts off. Big coughs. This explains why these typos have been so persistent this past week; I had my focus too narrow, believing it was coming from “my” fear and brain, when it is the fears and brains of all of us.

      Now asking for Angelic assistance to heal all of us. Not much happened on that one and I do understand why, but I was testing protocol. Asking the Big Guy to heal all of us, and now the coughs and yawns come. Once more asking the Big Guy to heal the entire Angelic community of whatever the typos represent. Asking him to heal the entire Angelic community of the tiny minute microscopic fears, the level of fears with which we are working. Asking him to heal the entire Angelic community of our twisted thinking, and THIS is more to the point. Lots of wiring changing here.

      You see, our old elitist Angelic attitudes are no longer helpful. They worked for a long time but that time is over. I am certainly as guilty of this as anyone. I definitely didn’t want to get my lily-white hands dirty by embodying. Now I “get it” and am learning a thousand times more from this experience than I’ve learned from anything else, perhaps ever. What an amazing gift this has been to my personal growth as an Angel. I am deeply, truly grateful.

      Now the triage-floor comes into view, the large space with all the embodied Angels. Many more are awake but are definitely still in need of care. I hear moaning, I see IV drips. It’s a scene of suffering. “Why did I do this?”

      Oh. I know these people, or at least I know enough of them to understand the pattern. Many embodied Angels are suffering deeply. Right now for all of us, I am drawing out the traumas of being embodied at whatever level we experienced them. Big coughs and burps. For me, burps represent the release of that which was suppressed as being unacceptable. Definitely a lot of that here, since none of us have been able to speak of this without being categorized as mentally ill. Repeating several times. Soul fragments are walking in all strong and are spontaneously healing themselves. It’s great to work with Angels as clients J.

      More burps. There are a lot of unspoken truths that must be spoken. The embodied Angels are for the most part afraid to speak the truths because they feel their marriages will fall apart, their business partners may leave them, and their lives will completely upend. Because the embodied Angels have forgotten so much with their conscious minds, they forget this transition will be a deeply freeing blessing. They forget that what comes after the changes are infinitely better than what they currently have.

      After the shift, they will truly be free to step into their destinies. They will breathe more fully than they have breathed in this entire lifetime. They will know how it is to live as I do, which is to live with so much joy that my joy-cup is continually overflowing. However, right now they feel stuck. They are suffering.

      I can totally relate to this. Every time I speak the truth about it, people run away screaming. Even embodied Angels have run away screaming. However! We must tell the truth. Nothing else will get us over this hump. There isn’t any other way out of this trap except to move forward. No way out except to tell the full truth with as much love as possible. We meet the test when we speak the truth with as much love as possible. However the other person reacts is entirely up to him/her. S/he is then the one being tested, not us. Our test is whether or not we speak. We give 100% effort, with zero attachment to results. What will be, will be.

      Continuing to release, a deep sense of peace is settling over the triage floor. No more flailing, no more moaning. Angels are sleeping again, but it’s a restful, restorative sleep. They aren’t in a coma. They have moved up a huge rung. They have begun to heal. The Angelic nurses say, “The crisis has passed.” It’s like when the fever breaks – the patient now sleeps calmly.

      Now we call in the Medics, the Lightbeings to tend the physical bodies. Nothing much happens there, but I wanted to be thorough. I try to call other Lightbeings but it seems that just doesn’t really work right now. This may be for us, the Angels, to do.

      Good idea. Again all of us who are awake join into the Song of Awakening. We begin it softly so as to not startle the sleepers, but it swells like a tide of love until the air is so thick with the vibrations of awakening that it presses on my chest. Now some of the sleepers actually stand up. They are strong enough to stand and hobble over to the chairs that are against the walls. They join us in the Song. We who are stronger and more awake are circling the room, walking the vortex, singing. Well more than 80% of us are awake now.

      This Song of Awakening is also a Song of Healing. I watch the bodies of all of us becoming stronger. Whether lying in a bed sleeping, lying in a bed eyes open, sitting in the chairs around the edges of the room, or walking – we are all becoming stronger, more fit. More sleepers sit up and walk over to the chairs, joining into the song. More and more IV’s are gone. I don’t see any in use now, actually.

      The huge tribal drums begin. It’s happening at a shamanic rhythm, the recall drumming pace. Many sleepers jolt as if an electric shock just ran through them and almost levitate. This song-followed-by-recall-drums has apparently triggered a vast kundalini awakening. Like a bloom of health, the vibrations raise. Lots of happy talking. Chatter fills the air. Hugs all around.

      I ask the spotlights to find anyone still sleeping, and there are a few beams. Uh-oh. Someone in the far left corner is in trouble. Calling right now for Divine assistance. Big lifting feeling and that person is healed by the Big Guy. He stands up and walks. 13,333 words to this point of this document. Wow great signal.

      Asking to be shown anyone else still sleeping and I see a baby Angel, mouth moving in his dreams. This may be the barometer, the Courageous One who volunteered to be the last one out. It feels fine that he is sleeping so peacefully. We can let him sleep as we get everyone else up and going. When they are all well, he will awaken. So Be It.

      Errors and omissions corrected, brought to perfect frequency, alignment, pitch, balance, vibration, a full state of empowerment, and in harmony with the All-That-Is. Separating, setting, grounding, stabilizing, sacred seal, we are complete. I am truly blessed.

    • Hi my dear friend, I clicked the wrong button and posted a generic comment rather than a reply to you. So sorry. Are you willing to read the discussions on this post? There is a good long one from me to me, smiles, with a starting point on how to help. Also please do let me know if you would like to receive personal notifications of other Team Universe calls to action, and I’ll gladly add you to that list. I would need your name in order to do so. Much love my friend! Lynn

  3. Thanks again for yet another amazing post. I would certainly like to be a part of the team and experience it in real.

    • Samuel, I am very glad to add you to the Team Universe email list, so that you get future calls to action personally. Meanwhile, feel free to jump in with this effort of Awakening the Angels. It’s a powerful experience. My detailed suggestions show in the comments area of our blog. Enjoy!

  4. Debra says:


    • Fabulous, dear Debra. It is a joy to have you with us. I’ve formally added you to the Team Universe list, so you’ll receive future calls to action. For this one, if I knew how to send a private message I would, but I have already responded to others with suggestions on how to proceed. Could you refer to those messages as a starting point? Thank you dear Debra, and we will be in touch again very soon. Light for your lovely path – Lynn

      • Debbie DeForest says:

        You are so gracious to take time to respond to all of us!!!! You truly carry Divine Light and Energy!!!! I can almost rise off the floor just responding to your Energy!!!!! What a TRUE BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE AND LIGHT DEBRA ❤ ❤ ❤ Significantly to me, your response time is one of my favorite numbers: 1 247 my Saintly Mother's last address before she parted………..always a Favorite of mine!!! ❤ May Divine Light Lead US ALL TO AWAKENING AND BLISS!!!!!!!!!!! TO TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET AND LEAVE IT IN BETTER CONDITION!!! I WAS OUT IN THE SUN ALL DAY TODAY AND ALREADY WAS THINKING THE UV RAYS ARE ALITTLE WEAKER THAN IN THE PAST….I COULD BE WRONG, BUT IT SEEMS THE STRATOSPHERE IS HEALING!!!

      • Good for you for noticing the encouraging signals that come our way. Our work DOES make a difference, and our Guides do send us signals that encourage us to keep going. The Guides often use numbers to send us signals, if we only know to watch for them. For example, your message was submitted at 11:07, a time of new beginnings, eternal moments, and Sacred Essence of the Divine.

        As we each do our part, the world transforms.
        Much love dear Debbie!

  5. kathryn says:

    i enjoyed this throughly

    • Beautiful, dear Kathryn. Would you like to be added to the email list for future Team Universe calls to action? If so, simply give me your name, and it is done. Light for your path – Lynn

  6. Carolyn says:

    How can I help?

    • Hi dear Carolyn – Congratulations for putting your shoulder to the wheel in this team effort to Awaken the Angels among us. I’m emailing you what others have found helpful. Love and light for your path – Lynn

  7. Joanne says:

    I would love to be apart of this awakening~…..Please count me among the many interested in awakening the ANGELS~!!!!

    • Hi dear Joanne – Welcome, and congratulations for putting your shoulder to the wheel in this team effort to Awaken the Angels among us. I’ll email you what others have found helpful so it’s easy to reference. Love and light for your path – Lynn

  8. *splendiferousstrawberry* says:

    I would love to learn more and help anyway I can.

    • Hi dear friend, it will be a joy to have you with us. I’ll email you what has helped others. If you reply with your name, we’ll be glad to also include you in future Team Universe calls to action. One good way of beginning to learn more is to take the freely shared introductory class on our website. It’s 80 minutes long. We are also readying videos of our last retreat so people can have an at-home retreat experience. That will also be freely shared.
      love and light for your path – Lynn

  9. I’m in. Just watched your introductory video and looking forward to being in class soonest! 🙂 I love how the Universe works – there could not have been a better thing for me to come across this morning than this blog post first and then that 80 minute lesson. I am very grateful, and feeling incredibly blessed!!

    • It IS an amazing Universe, isn’t it! How wonderful to hear from you, dear Sandra. Your timing is good. We have our next prerequisite class, Level One: The Foundation, the weekend of August 24-25. The main event is in the Boston area, and you can also webinar from anywhere. The rest of the core curriculum series follows, once a month, through November. This is the last time in 2013 we are offering the entry-level class. Hope to have you with us on this incredible journey of light and love.
      much love dear Sandra!

  10. Keri Mangis says:

    The Soul Plan Challenge deeply inspires me and I do want to be a part of “Team Universe”! In fact, I was so inspired that, several weeks ago, I created a workshop that will be held on, guess when, June 2, called the Soul Plan Adventure with a superhero theme! Here is a link withe the description of the workshop – I think you’ll like it as you inspired it!

    I had asked my guides for assistance in choosing the date for the workshop, received June 2, and now see how beautifully aligned it is!

    I am currently also doing the distance learning – currently level 2 – and loving every moment. I am grateful for the opportunity to work deeper.

    • Fabulous, dear Keri. Good for you for stepping into the Distance Learning program. How nice your workshop is on June 2. That is the final day of our spring series of the core curriculum in the Lightworkers Healing Method, and also my 55th birthday. The beginning of my year of Unity Consciousness.
      Much love!

  11. quiet mind says:

    I have always believed that angels has helped people deal with major issues in a much better way. Angel energy healing is the best when it comes to make connection with the good souls around and find solutions to the various problems.

  12. I always spent my half an hour to read this website’s content
    every day along with a cup of coffee.

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